My networks have helped me by providing access to tools which enhance my skills. There are several tools I concentrate on because they provide the simplicity and quality- enhancing traits to help my students make their own personal connection to my content. One of the greatest thing I can contribute to my network contacts is I know my successes and near-misses are shared by others and together we are making a difference.
The digital tools which facilitate learning for me are resources which provide opportunities to be creative. For example provides an oral study guide with a visual twist to help trigger my learning curve. This website has many short videos I can browse to use or to get suggestions.
When I have questions about new knowledge I go to the youtube web site. It seems as though there is a visual presentation on almost every possible situation. This is an exaggeration, but the site has millions of learning videos. For example, I was watching a movie with a scene of how to opening a car door with a tennis ball and for fun I searched for the video and it was actually posted. When my little video helper is of little help, I try searching blogs or various educational sites such as EDUCASE and Kathy Schrock.
Here’s a link to browse my suggestions
I thought this blog provided some very interesting information to consider