Sunday, April 10, 2011


The information on collaboration can be found at the following link

Rheingold’s video was very funny. It funny how easily new innovations can be viewed at fresh innovations.
I believe there is a basic instinct in humans to interact and work as a group.  Of course, this does not mean an individual cannot be anti-social or prefer to spend time alone.

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides a detailed explanation of the impact of belonging. Working as a group could be a one time event, but humans repeat the action. Even when the end result of a group activity is disastrous, this will not prevent individuals from visiting group ventures in the future. Humans are like moths attracted to the intoxicating light of working with others.  

How would technology help me facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles? There are many subtle ways the wonderous web 2.0 tools can help, but I will just offer three.  I have decided to create a study guide to help my students understand how various forms of government impact citizen participation. An interactive component of the resource would be much more engaging and provide a learning experience students can connect with. Technology can help me in various ways to ensure the information exchange is two-way and relevant. For instance, I could Google Docs to share spreadsheets, Vyew to capture a screen or Thinkature for visual communication.

Here is a link about homo sapiens. It has a very interesting point to consider from the first line.
I came across this next blog as I thought of how to answer the prompt
How can technology facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles?
Here is a video of a social studies classroom with students taking ownership of their learning environment

(2006, March). [Meetings around the world: The impactof collaboration on business performance]. Retrieved April 13, 2011 from
 Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from


  1. Charles you have great ideas for facilitating collaboration with web 2.0 tools. In addition to the visual communication and doc sharing – do you prepare to provide any simulations or video presentations? Typically for me seeing and hearing is more efficient that just seeing.

  2. Kathi,I am still working on finding a simulation which works. The video presentations are getting easier for me, but still in the crawling stage. I have been splicing in a few videos moments to make some movie-maker magic. There just is not enough time to make the impact from the presentations I want. Now that what I am doing and I ma hoping my students next year will pick up the baton and use a few of the tools I have shared with them.

  3. Charles this is a very informative post that give insight into your views of collaboration. How has your views of collaborationn changed after watching Rheingold’s video?

  4. Lamont, I can't say my views have changed. I prefer to believe I have added more information to consider. As I remind my students, other opinions are how we grow and learn. He did not present any radical ideas, but offered a rather easily understandable talking points in a entertaining manner. I will not go around quoting everything I heard, but at some point pieces of the video will slip into my discussions with my students and my students will become part of a aha moment.
