Saturday, May 28, 2011

LaKeisha's blog post was very interesting. It made me think and consider a couple of points I may have taken for granted. Maria also had a very intriguing post.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Learning in a Digital World

It is non-negotiable to not embrace the fact there is more than one best way for people to learn. Technology has a great impact on learning and will enhance the learning experience. However, it is not simply technology, but several components working in unison. But it all starts with one person. Driscoll (2008) states constructivist theory rests on the assumption that knowledge is constructed by learners as they attempt to make sense of their experiences.  For example, this blog allows me to share ideas, thought, and observations I have. Case close and my learning could end. Fortunately, technology steps in and a two-way exchange of global knowledge exploration is at my fingertips.

 My philosophy on learning is a take-off from the quote contributed to Ben Reilly of Spiderman fame. With learning comes great responsibility. Learning is power. For instance, Is the world flat? Thanks to the contributions of many people and the sharing of ideas this idea was proven inaccurate. Word of mouth proved to be a wonderful option. We do not have to follow in step, but like minds can agree and disagree. It is a wonderful thing to share information for the greater good of society.

I thought this blog comparing constructivism and behaviorism might make a few people scratch their heads
Retrieved on May 25, 2011, from

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Module 5 part 2

Gary's blog was funny. He has teachers at his school who was there before calculators were used. It seems like it took an act of Congress for changes through the use of technology to happen.

module 5

Kathi's blog response for module 5 was very interesting and of course I thought I had so interesting thoughts I should share with her.

Monday, May 9, 2011

new technologies

First, you have to understand I’m not the first person in line to use technology. However, I’m basically lost when my technology is not operating. My experience with colleagues who have low self-efficacy is generally situations they simply refuse to even attempt to use technology. For example, I understand the overhead projector was probably cutting edge technology when Jane, Dick, and Spot were all the rage but there have been great strides in visual presentations.

For the last few years, educators have complained about districts blocking Youtube videos. I have always been pretty stubborn so I would stay up nights trying to find ways to safely save videos to show at school. Finally, I discovered Microsoft Moviemaker. Why give others the credit when here was technology just perfect for creative inspiration? I thought the potential provided so much upside I created a small presentation for a faculty meeting. Even though I was greeted was initial enthusiasm, many of my colleagues did not share my vision. They were concerned about time commitment, skill requirements, and just an overall lack of interest.

Changing the motivation of my colleagues to encourage success would definitely start with creating a more engaging and hands-on presentation. A practical demonstration should do the trick. It would be important not to oversell because the next step could be a failure if I am unable to generate interest because of a failure to provide a relevance my colleague can connect with. We are all educators, but everyone has a particular button to push. Allowing my colleagues to be a part of the of the process during the walk through should generate the positive vibes needed to spark their belief in the idea I am sharing. Finally, the end result should conclude with buy in.

This is an interesting blog I discovered which I feel provides some keen insight. The blog can be accessed at the link

Here is another blog to read and gather further information about fostering support for increased usage of technology in schools can viewed at he following link